Thursday, August 19, 2010

Steve Jobs Commencement Address

Last June 12, 2005, Apple founder Steve Jobs’ gave his commencement address in front of the graduates of Stanford University. Jobs was a college dropout himself, He opened his speech with this phrase, “Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.” I never knew that a college dropout would become the most influenced business leader in the world today and also one of the most respected names in the computer industry.
Steve began his speech by talking about the three stories which are the factors that are most important to his remarkable success over the past three decades. The first story was about what he called “connecting the dots”. His experiences in life at that time was seemingly little. However, somewhere down the road, the significance of even the tiniest events would reveal themselves to Jobs. One example is the calligraphy course where Jobs was enrolled. He was an official dropped out of the school so that is why he is free to take any courses he wanted. He learned everything about serif and san serif typefaces to the varying amount of space between different letter combinations. “None of this had even a hope of any practical applications in my life,” Jobs said. “But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typology.”
Jobs said that if he had never dropped in on that calligraphy class, the Mac as the world knows it today would never have multiple typefaces and proportional fonts that it does. And that is what Jobs means by connecting the dots, it is something which can only be done when looking backwards. “You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future,” he says. “You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the differences in my life.”
What I have learned from his first story is to try appreciating all things even up to the smallest stuffs in your life because someday you would not know that smallest stuff will be a tool in accomplishing your goal. The next thing I have learned is to trust into something especially to God. Trust is a great key which can help you all the way in your journey to life. Another that I have also realized is that by having trust you can also build up confidence.
The second story in Steve Jobs’ commencement speech was that of “love and loss.” He was so fortunate that he have discovered his passion early in his life. Steve Jobs was smashed when he was fired from the very company that he had helped found. However, it was the very passion of his own that helped him sustain and put his career on the rebound. And then he started a company named NeXT, and another company named Pixar which created the world’s first computer animated feature film, Apple bought out NeXT and brought Jobs back on board. “Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick,” Steve Jobs said. “I’m convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did.”
I have learned a lot on Steve Jobs’ second story. I must really find what I really love because without it I would probably have a hard time on spending the precious days in my life. Now that I am still searching for the thing that I love, I also learned that I must not settle and I really have to find it! And lastly, the best thing that I learned in his second story is to not give up even if the world is against you. I learned that I must stand up and face all the trials in my life.
The last story Steve Jobs told was one about death. He came close to the edge after being diagnosed with cancer in 2004, and was even told that he would have no longer than three to six months to live. After doctors discovered it was in fact a rare and curable form of pancreatic cancer, Jobs recovered, but not before learning an important lesson. “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life,” he told the students. “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”
His last story I think is the climax of his life. It serves as a turning point. And with his story I have learned a lot from what he had said to the students of Stanford University and that is not to waste my time living with someone else’s life simply because our time is limited. I should not let the noise of others’ opinion drown out my own inner voice. And the most important lesson that I have learned from Steve Jobs’ speech is to have the courage to follow my heart and my intuition. “They somehow already know what you truly want to become.” Steve Jobs said.
The Steve Jobs’ Commencement address ended with four simple but powerful words of advice from the billionaire entrepreneur and that is to “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” To stay hungry which means to starve or to ask for more even if you already have what you want. And as a technopreneur we should stay hungry because if not we would probably become lazy and contented from what we have. And to stay hungry which means to reach your goals and be foolish enough to take risks for in that way you will only reach and achieve your goals in life. Steve Jobs’ commencement address is really motivating and it indeed inspires me a lot. And as a student I have set my first goal and that is to finish my college.

My purpose in life is...

My purpose in life is to live for God. We are not here on Earth to be remembered but instead we existed to prepare for eternity. What really matters most is what God says not what other people says.


Last July 28, 2010 (Wednesday), we had a test in our Technopreneurship subject. Almost all of us were alarmed and it is because some of us were not able to study on our past lectures about the subject. Some were panicking and some do not even know what to do. Everyone calmed down when our facilitator have told us that we are just going to have a Personality Test that will serve as a preliminary exam for the first semester. It was a 32 item test which is all about entrepreneurship and we are just asked to choose if it is letter A or letter B. Each choice has different kinds of scenario wherein we need to choose which situation would really fit to us. I think there are one or two items where I became a little bit confused on which letter I should choose.
In this paragraph I would like to share to you my personal reflection on the personality test that we took. At first, I was absolutely clueless on what would be the outcome or shall we say the result of the said test. Practically speaking I still do not have the enough experiences about technopreneurship. If I were to compare myself to a thing that would fit my ability in business I think I am just an tiny organism that cannot be seen by a naked eye, a microscopic organism to be exact and I think that is the reason why I naïve or shall we say doubtful about what will be the result of our practical test. But all my doubts were washed away when it turned out to be dissimilar. It was like “WOW!” I cannot believe of the result and then I realized that I must never judge my own capability not even limiting my skill to something that I think I can only do. There is also some intriguing ideas that pops out from my mind, I was wondering where did they came up with this kind of test and how did they manage to make this accurate as they were made to really distinguish the personality of the one who takes the test.
I never thought that the test would go as smooth as it is. I find the test really fun simply because it was easy and it is the only type of test that the questions are not visible. Well, seriously I find it fun because of the situation or scene focuses on how to deal accordingly with your family, friends and all the people around you. Another thing is that some scenario was centered on how to be an effective person not only for other people but most especially to ourselves. Without even noticing it we finished the test immediately, our facilitator spares us some time to review the choices for there might be a tendency that we have picked the erroneous option, in my case I was confident with what I have picked so I did not bother to review the answers anymore. Right after my classmates reviewed their selection we already have the result of the test. We summed up the results and I was amazed with the result that I got which is forty-four. Then suddenly, I asked my classmate who sits beside me if how much score did she have, and I was surprised that we have the same score; and wait we did not share the same answer. When our facilitator knew all the results, he was astounded that most of us got the average score ranging from thirty-eight up to forty-six. He told us that he did not expect that everyone will get the average score which is equal to “somewhat entrepreneurial” and you can really see it from his face. After all the noises which is rooted by the students sharing the results our facilitator praised us and said that we are the best of the best, that we are the GIANTS of the university, the skilled and talented students and the endangered species. I did not expect that our facilitator will speak out those words from his mouth. It makes me wonder, if all those things that he have said to us were real then why are so many irregular students in the institution? Then my question was answered when our facilitator continued speaking and told us that what he have said a while ago were real and a hundred percent true but there are people in the institution that blocks us from reaching the top and I think one of the factors that made some of the students irregular. What he was trying to say to us is that there exists the “terminators” of the institution and to be specific the faculty. Then after that everyone nods at the same time smiling when they hear the word “terminator” thinking that indeed it was really true. Anyway, I’m still glad that they exist because without them we will remain dull of the subjects in our course.
Taking this test helps me realize few things. Things which are full of meaning and very essential most especially to us students. I learned that we must not be always farsighted. What I mean is we must not always look at the things that might happen tomorrow. I believe that by being farsighted constantly might affect the things that we are doing in the present. I also learned that we must not criticize ourselves for it will be the root of losing the most precious self-confidence that some people really wanted to have. After we knew the results I become conscious to the way I think because it will really affect our way of growing up. Fortunately, I have experienced the true essence of growing up and that is not just to grow physically, but to grow spiritually, to make it easy to grow with God. I believe that by growing with God you will surely be granted with a “growth package” wherein you will experience a healthy growth in your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. But, sad to say that recently my growth was paused; my socializing ability was broken and I even spend my day just by playing that childish game. I feel so down at that time, I feel like I am carrying the earth but then I realized that I should not be taken over with this worldly things and I must stand up and do what I really have to do. Another thing that I have learned is that I must never ever think of giving up instead think positively and be strong always. Every one of us was facing heaps of problems that need solutions and trials that needed to be overcome. What I am really pointing here is one of the functions of the SEED program which is self-mastery. Self-master might sound selfish but if you will never help yourself then how are you going to help others? Self-mastery is the ability to make the most out of our physical, mental, and spiritual health. In other words, to be the best you can be.
As a fruit of your efforts, you will be able to help everyone around you. In order for you to change the world around you, for the better, you have to change yourself for the better, along the way. You cannot sit on a mountain top waiting for perfection before you help you fellow man. The time to help is now, and we must look at ourselves as works in progress. Appreciate yourself for who you are, what you are, and what you have accomplished so far. Appreciate your friends, family and associates for who they are. Accept them, as they are, without expecting perfection. This is a common mistake for parents to make with their children, but it also happens in a variety of relationships. So, let go of demands on others, especially unrealistic demands. One question for this matter is where do we start learning the secrets of self mastery? Okay, so once we have accepted all things around us, without any demand, then we already taken the first step. And there are two important factors here. The first one is once you accept people, and situations, for what they are, you will not waste time and energy with frustration. This causes inner frustration, emotional turmoil, worries, and depression. Secondly, once you change yourself, through positive self mastery, the world around you will change for the better, without much effort on your part. You will not be able to make all of the changes to mind, body, and spirit, at once, but they are all connected to one another. The first large component is physical. Our body needs constant maintenance in a variety of methods such as weight resistance, flexibility, and cardio-vascular strength, require us to cross train. So, if you have been on the couch too long, then I guess it is time to get off and stand up! This one is physical change, of daily exercise, will help you in every aspects of your life. You will absolutely feel better about yourself. But in case you do not have enough spare time for three types of exercise, you can practice at least one that will give you maximum benefits. Those three types are Yoga, swimming, and martial arts, based on the internet and some people, they are very good recommendations, as each of them cross trains the body with fair variety. For my personal exercise, whenever we have some family bonding, we go out to the beach to relax and to swim. Therefore, at the same time I can enjoy my bonding with my family and also have fun on keeping myself healthy.
Okay let us go back to the personality test. I believe that this test is very important not only for knowing one’s self but also they serve a very crucial function in our society or people; our society also plays an important role especially in entrepreneurship so that is why we must be aware of it. Even though the question types and personality classification differ from test to test, they provide insight into the human psyche. Personality test provides us with a way to categorized different characteristics or traits that we really have to consider or otherwise not be aware of. In addition, the classification will help us learn how others might react to something in each of their own environment. Actually, there are many different uses for personality tests in modern society. These tests can be used for self-reflection and understanding (a factor that is also needed in technopreneurship; what I mean is self-mastery), for job placement, and for learning how to better interact with others in a team or work group.
This reflection plays a vital role for me because it helped me realized that what I am doing in the past few days was unrighteous and it might be the reason that I might crush my own dream and goal. It also serves as my wakeup call because this helps me open my eyes and see the right or wrong. All the realization that I have learned were very important for me because it will really affect my personality. I do not want to end up saying “what ifs”.
And as finishing paragraph I would like to share to you the quote which I have formulated based on what I have reflected. My personal quote is “If you want a better world; then be a better person.”This quote really opens my mind and helps me bring back my confidence to myself. I am so thankful to our facilitator that he have let us made our reflection for the personality traits because without it I am probably still sitting on the couch, slowly loosing myself and without further notice destroying my social life. This is really one of the best reflection I have ever had. I guess that is enough. Thanks!